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* Adding CAPTCHA
* Currently there are two types of CAPTCHA forms, text and image
* The default mode is "text", it can be changed in the priority:
* 1 If mode is set through icms_form_elements_Captcha::setMode(), take it
* 2 Elseif mode is set though captcha/config.php, take it
* 3 Else, take "text"
* @copyright http://www.impresscms.org/ The ImpressCMS Project
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU General Public License (GPL)
* @category ICMS
* @package Form
* @subpackage Elements
* @author Sina Asghari (aka stranger) <pesian_stranger@users.sourceforge.net>
* @version SVN: $Id: Captcha.php 10868 2010-12-11 12:02:57Z phoenyx $
defined('ICMS_ROOT_PATH') or die("ImpressCMS root path not defined");
* Usage
* For form creation:
* Add form element where proper: $form->addElement(new icms_form_elements_Captcha($caption, $name, $skipmember, ...);
* For verification:
* $icmsCaptcha = icms_form_elements_captcha_Object::instance();
* if (!$icmsCaptcha->verify()) {
* echo $icmsCaptcha->getMessage();
* ...
* }
* CAPTCHA form element
* @category ICMS
* @package Form
* @subpackage Elements
class icms_form_elements_Captcha extends icms_form_Element {
private $_captchaHandler;
* @param string $caption Caption of the form element, default value is defined in captcha/language/
* @param string $name Name for the input box
* @param boolean $skipmember Skip CAPTCHA check for members
* @param int $numchar Number of characters in image mode, and input box size for text mode
* @param int $minfontsize Minimum font-size of characters in image mode
* @param int $maxfontsize Maximum font-size of characters in image mode
* @param int $backgroundtype Background type in image mode: 0 - bar; 1 - circle; 2 - line; 3 - rectangle; 4 - ellipse; 5 - polygon; 100 - generated from files
* @param int $backgroundnum Number of background images in image mode
public function __construct($caption = '', $name = 'icmscaptcha', $skipmember = null,
$numchar = null, $minfontsize = null, $maxfontsize = null, $backgroundtype = null,
$backgroundnum = null
) {
$this->_captchaHandler =& icms_form_elements_captcha_Object::instance();
$name, $skipmember, $numchar, $minfontsize, $maxfontsize, $backgroundtype, $backgroundnum
if (!$this->_captchaHandler->active) {
} else {
$caption = !empty($caption) ? $caption : $this->_captchaHandler->getCaption();
* Sets the Config
* @param string $name Config Name
* @param string $val Config Value
* @return object reference to the icms_form_elements_captcha_Object Object (@link icms_form_elements_captcha_Object)
public function setConfig($name, $val) {
return $this->_captchaHandler->setConfig($name, $val);
* @see htdocs/libraries/icms/form/icms_form_Element::render()
public function render() {
if (!$this->isHidden()) {
return $this->_captchaHandler->render();