Class icms_preload_Handler
Class handling preload events automatically detect from the files in ICMS_PRELOAD_PATH
Methods summary
__construct( )
Determine the preloads by scanning the preloads directory and the preloads directory for each module specified
Preloads in the system preloads directory will execute for all requests. Preloads in a module's preload directory
will only load for that module's requests
addPreloadEvents( string $filename, $module = false )
Add the events defined in filename
Add the events defined in filename
To be attached to the preload events, methods in each preload class must be prefixed with 'event'
and have a defined event (like 'beforeFilterHTMLinput'). A fully qualified method would look
like 'eventBeforeFilterHTMLinput'
public static
getInstance( )
Access the only instance of this class
Access the only instance of this class
triggerEvent( $event, $array = array() )
Triggers a specific event on all the libraries
Triggers a specific event on all the libraries
Here are the currently supported events:
- startCoreBoot triggered at the start of the core booting process (start of include/common.php)
- finishCoreBoot triggered at the end of the core booting process (end of include/common.php)
- adminHeader triggered when calling icms_cp_header() and is used to output content in the head section of the admin side
- beforeFooter triggered when include/footer.php is called, at the beginning of the file
- startOutputInit triggered when starting to output the content, in include/header.php after instantiation of $xoopsTpl
- adminBeforeFooter triggered before the footer is loaded in the admin control panel
- beforeFilterTextareaInput triggered before text from a textarea is processed to save to the database (@see icms_core_DataFilter)
- afterFilterTextareaInput triggered after text from a textarea is processed to save to the database (@see icms_core_DataFilter)
- beforeFilterTextareaDisplay triggered before text from a textarea is processed to display (@see icms_core_DataFilter)
- afterFilterTextareaDisplay triggered after text from a textarea is processed to display (@see icms_core_DataFilter)
- beforeFilterHTMLinput triggered before text from a textarea is processed as HTML to save to the database (@see icms_core_DataFilter)
- afterFilterHTMLinput triggered after text from a textarea is processed as HTML to save to the database (@see icms_core_DataFilter)
- beforeFilterHTMLdisplay triggered before text from a textarea is processed as HTML to display (@see icms_core_DataFilter)
- afterFilterHTMLdisplay triggered after text from a textarea is processed as HTML to display (@see icms_core_DataFilter)
- beforeDisplayTarea triggered before before text from a textarea is processed to display (@see icms_core_Textsanitizer)
- afterDisplayTarea triggered after text from a textarea is processed to display (@see icms_core_Textsanitizer)
- beforePreviewTarea triggered before text from a textarea is processed for preview (@see icms_core_Textsanitizer)
- afterPreviewTarea triggered after text from a textarea is processed for preview (@see icms_core_Textsanitizer)
- savingSystemAdminPreferencesItem triggered before saving preferences in the admin control panel (modules/system/preferences/main.php)
- afterSaveSystemAdminPreferencesItems triggered after saving preferences in the admin control panel (modules/system/preferences/main.php)
- $event
- name of the event to trigger
- $array
- container to pass any arguments to be used by the library
true if successful, FALSE if not
getClassName( $filename )
Construct the name of the class based on the filename
Construct the name of the class based on the filename
All preloads will be discovered if the class name is the
file name without the extension (uppercase the first letter) prefixed with 'IcmsPreload'
For example, file name = protectEmail.php -> class name = IcmsPreloadProtectEmail
- $filename
- filename where the class is located
string name of the class