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* @copyright The ImpressCMS Project - http://www.impresscms.org/
* @license GNU General Public License (GPL) - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* @since
* @category ICMS
* @package Database
* @subpackage MySQL
* @version
* Redefinida por Claudia A. V. Callegari
* Participação de Rodrigo Lima
* Redefined by Claudia A. V. Callegari
* Participation Rodrigo Lima
* ImpressCMS.org
* @copyright The ImpressCMS Project - http://www.impresscms.org/
* @category ICMS
* @package Database
* @subpackage MySQL
abstract class icms_db_mysql_Utility implements icms_db_IUtility {
* add a prefix.'_' to all tablenames in a query
* @param string $query valid SQL query string
* @param string $prefix prefix to add to all table names
* @return mixed FALSE on failure
static public function prefixQuery($query, $prefix) {
$pattern = "/^(INSERT INTO|CREATE TABLE|ALTER TABLE|UPDATE)(\s)+([`]?)([^`\s]+)\\3(\s)+/siU";
$pattern2 = "/^(DROP TABLE)(\s)+([`]?)([^`\s]+)\\3(\s)?$/siU";
if (preg_match($pattern, $query, $matches)) {
$replace = "\\1 " . $prefix . "_\\4\\5";
$matches [0] = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $query);
$query = $matches [0];
if (preg_match('/REFERENCES/', $query) or preg_match('/DROP FOREIGN KEY/', $query)) {
$matches_1 = $matches; // claudia
//$pattern = "/(REFERENCES)(\s)+([`]?)([^`\s]+)\\3(\s)+/siU";
// alterado abaixo 03/10/2011, sendo que funcionou para ADD CONSTRAINT e não para DROP FOREIGN KEY
$pattern = "/(REFERENCES|DROP FOREIGN KEY|ADD CONSTRAINT)(\s)+([`]?)([^`\s]+)\\3(\s)+/siU";
if (preg_match($pattern, $query, $matches)) {
$matches [0] = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $query);
$matches_1[0] = $matches[0]; // claudia
$matches = $matches_1; // claudia
return $matches;
} elseif (preg_match($pattern2, $query, $matches)) {
$replace = "\\1 " . $prefix . "_\\4\\5";
$matches [0] = preg_replace($pattern2, $replace, $query);
return $matches;
} else {
return FALSE;
* Removes comment and splits large sql files into individual queries
* Function from phpMyAdmin (http://phpwizard.net/projects/phpMyAdmin/)
* Last revision: September 23, 2001 - gandon
* @param array the split sql commands
* @param string the sql commands
* @return boolean always true
static public function splitSqlFile(&$ret, $sql) {}
* Determine if the SQL string is safe
* @param string $sql
* @return bool TRUE if the string is safe
static public function checkSQL($sql) {}