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// XOOPS - PHP Content Management System //
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* Manage configuration items
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2000 XOOPS.org
* @copyright http://www.impresscms.org/ The ImpressCMS Project
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU General Public License (GPL)
* @category ICMS
* @package Config
* @author Kazumi Ono (aka onokazo)
* @version SVN: $Id:Handler.php 19775 2010-07-11 18:54:25Z malanciault $
defined('ICMS_ROOT_PATH') or die("ImpressCMS root path not defined");
* Configuration handling class.
* This class acts as an interface for handling general configurations
* and its modules.
* @category ICMS
* @package Config
* @author Kazumi Ono <webmaster@myweb.ne.jp>
* @copyright copyright (c) 2000-2003 XOOPS.org
* You should have received a copy of XOOPS_copyrights.txt with
* this file. If not, you may obtain a copy from xoops.org
* @todo Tests that need to be made:
* - error handling
* @access public
class icms_config_Handler {
static protected $instance;
* Initialize the config handler.
* @param $db
static public function service() {
if (isset(self::$instance)) return self::$instance;
$instance = icms::handler('icms_config');
$configs = $instance->getConfigsByCat(
$GLOBALS['icmsConfig'] = $configs[ICMS_CONF];
$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig'] =& $GLOBALS['icmsConfig'];
$GLOBALS['icmsConfigUser'] = $configs[ICMS_CONF_USER];
$GLOBALS['icmsConfigMetaFooter'] = $configs[ICMS_CONF_METAFOOTER];
$GLOBALS['icmsConfigMailer'] = $configs[ICMS_CONF_MAILER];
$GLOBALS['icmsConfigAuth'] = $configs[ICMS_CONF_AUTH];
$GLOBALS['icmsConfigMultilang'] = $configs[ICMS_CONF_MULILANGUAGE];
$GLOBALS['icmsConfigPersona'] = $configs[ICMS_CONF_PERSONA];
$GLOBALS['icmsConfigPlugins'] = $configs[ICMS_CONF_PLUGINS];
$GLOBALS['icmsConfigCaptcha'] = $configs[ICMS_CONF_CAPTCHA];
$GLOBALS['icmsConfigSearch'] = $configs[ICMS_CONF_SEARCH];
return self::$instance = $instance;
* holds reference to config item handler(DAO) class
* @var object
* @access private
private $_cHandler;
* holds reference to config option handler(DAO) class
* @var object
* @access private
private $_oHandler;
* holds an array of cached references to config value arrays,
* indexed on module id and category id
* @var array
* @access private
private $_cachedConfigs = array();
* Constructor
* @param object &$db reference to database object
public function __construct(&$db) {
$this->_cHandler = new icms_config_item_Handler($db);
$this->_oHandler = new icms_config_option_Handler($db);
* Create a config
* @see icms_config_Item_Object
* @return object reference to the new {@link icms_config_Item_Object}
public function &createConfig() {
$instance =& $this->_cHandler->create();
return $instance;
* Get a config
* @param int $id ID of the config
* @param bool $withoptions load the config's options now?
* @return object reference to the {@link icms_config_Item_Object}
public function &getConfig($id, $withoptions = false) {
$config =& $this->_cHandler->get($id);
if ($withoptions == true) {
$config->setConfOptions($this->getConfigOptions(new icms_db_criteria_Item('conf_id', $id)));
return $config;
* insert a new config in the database
* @param object &$config reference to the {@link icms_config_Item_Object}
* @return true|false if inserting config succeeded or not
public function insertConfig(&$config) {
if (!$this->_cHandler->insert($config)) {
return false;
$options =& $config->getConfOptions();
$count = count($options);
$conf_id = $config->getVar('conf_id');
for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$options[$i]->setVar('conf_id', $conf_id);
if (!$this->_oHandler->insert($options[$i])) {
foreach ( $options[$i]->getErrors() as $msg) {
if (!empty($this->_cachedConfigs[$config->getVar('conf_modid')][$config->getVar('conf_catid')])) {
return true;
* Delete a config from the database
* @param object &$config reference to a {@link icms_config_Item_Object}
* @return true|false if deleting config item succeeded or not
public function deleteConfig(&$config) {
if (!$this->_cHandler->delete($config)) {
return false;
$options =& $config->getConfOptions();
$count = count($options);
if ($count == 0) {
$options = $this->getConfigOptions(new icms_db_criteria_Item('conf_id', $config->getVar('conf_id')));
$count = count($options);
if (is_array($options) && $count > 0) {
for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
if (!empty($this->_cachedConfigs[$config->getVar('conf_modid')][$config->getVar('conf_catid')])) {
return true;
* get one or more Configs
* @param object $criteria {@link icms_db_criteria_Element}
* @param bool $id_as_key Use the configs' ID as keys?
* @param bool $with_options get the options now?
* @return array Array of {@link icms_config_Item_Object} objects
public function getConfigs($criteria = null, $id_as_key = false, $with_options = false) {
return $this->_cHandler->getObjects($criteria, $id_as_key);
* Count some configs
* @param object $criteria {@link icms_db_criteria_Element}
* @return int count result
public function getConfigCount($criteria = null) {
return $this->_cHandler->getCount($criteria);
* Get configs from a certain category
* @param int $category ID of a category
* @param int $module ID of a module
* @return array array of {@link icms_config_Item_Object}s
public function &getConfigsByCat($category, $module = 0) {
if (is_array($category)) {
$criteria = new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('conf_modid', (int) $module));
$criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('conf_catid', '(' . implode(',', $category) . ')', 'IN'));
$configs = $this->getConfigs($criteria, true);
if (is_array($configs)) {
foreach ( array_keys($configs) as $i) {
$ret[$configs[$i]->getVar('conf_catid')][$configs[$i]->getVar('conf_name')] = $configs[$i]->getConfValueForOutput();
foreach ( $ret as $key => $value) {
$this->_cachedConfigs[$module][$key] = $value;
return $ret;
} else {
if (!empty($this->_cachedConfigs[$module][$category]) ) return $this->_cachedConfigs[$module][$category];
$criteria = new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('conf_modid', (int) $module));
if (!empty($category)) {
$criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('conf_catid', (int) $category));
$ret = array();
$configs = $this->getConfigs($criteria, true);
if (is_array($configs)) {
foreach ( array_keys($configs) as $i) {
$ret[$configs[$i]->getVar('conf_name')] = $configs[$i]->getConfValueForOutput();
$this->_cachedConfigs[$module][$category] = $ret;
return $this->_cachedConfigs[$module][$category];
* Make a new {@link icms_config_option_Object}
* @return object {@link icms_config_option_Object}
public function &createConfigOption() {
$inst =& $this->_oHandler->create();
return $inst;
* Get a {@link icms_config_option_Object}
* @param int $id ID of the config option
* @return object {@link icms_config_option_Object}
public function &getConfigOption($id) {
$inst =& $this->_oHandler->get($id);
return $inst;
* Get one or more {@link icms_config_option_Object}s
* @param object $criteria {@link icms_db_criteria_Element}
* @param bool $id_as_key Use IDs as keys in the array?
* @return array Array of {@link icms_config_option_Object}s
public function getConfigOptions($criteria = null, $id_as_key = false) {
return $this->_oHandler->getObjects($criteria, $id_as_key);
* Count some {@link icms_config_option_Object}s
* @param object $criteria {@link icms_db_criteria_Element}
* @return int Count of {@link icms_config_option_Object}s matching $criteria
public function getConfigOptionsCount($criteria = null) {
return $this->_oHandler->getCount($criteria);
* Get a list of configs
* @param int $conf_modid ID of the modules
* @param int $conf_catid ID of the category
* @return array Associative array of name=>value pairs.
public function getConfigList($conf_modid, $conf_catid = 0) {
if (!empty($this->_cachedConfigs[$conf_modid][$conf_catid])) {
return $this->_cachedConfigs[$conf_modid][$conf_catid];
} else {
$criteria = new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('conf_modid', $conf_modid));
if (empty($conf_catid)) {
$criteria->add(new icms_db_criteria_Item('conf_catid', $conf_catid));
$configs =& $this->_cHandler->getObjects($criteria);
$confcount = count($configs);
$ret = array();
for ( $i = 0; $i < $confcount; $i++) {
$ret[$configs[$i]->getVar('conf_name')] = $configs[$i]->getConfValueForOutput();
$this->_cachedConfigs[$conf_modid][$conf_catid] =& $ret;
return $ret;